Students Any BVSD high school student can join Colie’s Closet. We learn how to present in middle school and high school classes. Our presentations cover warning signs and risk factors of depression and suicide and what to do for yourself and others. We meet every other Sunday in Louisville and we sign up for presentations and community events, interact with other organizations in the community, and eat lots of food!

If you have any questions and/or are interested in joining, please email or fill out this Form

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Does Colie’s Closet give me volunteer hours?
    • Absolutely! We log all of our hours during meetings and presentations. Colie’s is a great way to volunteer for IB and NHS requirements.
  • Do I get excused from class when I’m presenting?
    • Yes, we contact your school and excuse you from any classes you miss during a presentation.
  • Is Colie’s a support group?
    • We are a supportive, friendly environment, but we are not a support group. We are a peer-education volunteer organization.
  • Do I have to have experience with depression or suicide to join?
    • No. Many members have personal connections with these topics, but all you need to join is a genuine desire to help your community.
  • What kind of people are in Colie’s Closet?
    • Any and all. We don’t care who you are or where you came from. What matters to us is who you want to be.

Why we joined Colie’s Closet:

“I joined Colie’s Closet because after experiencing depression during my parents’ divorce, I thought I had the knowledge to help someone else who was struggling. I found myself in a really dangerous situation and realized I had no idea what I was doing. Colie’s gave me the knowledge and the tools to help others and myself, and it made me a more empathetic individual, all while improving my public speaking skills.”

– Evan Thornberry, former Centaurus High School student

“I joined Colie’s a year after my neighbor died by suicide. I was able to see first hand the effect this had on my community and I wanted to better understand depression so I could help some of my friends. Three years at Colie’s has given me a huge knowledge base on this subject and increased my self confidence with public speaking exponentially; I don’t know what I would be like without it.”

– Anna Warm, former Fairview High School student